Thursday 1 November 2012

Innocent on the run. Part 21.

The American boys insisted on taking Ricky back to the ship in Chuck's car, as they were going home anyway, and they got their own shoes back from the cloakroom and walked outside. Chuck's car was across the street, and they waited for the illuminated sign that said 'Walk,' before crossing. 'If you cross before the sign comes on, you can get fined on the spot by that cop on the corner,' Al told Ricky. 'It's called jay walking.' Chuck's car was a huge sedan which could comfortably hold six or seven people, and they lounged in the huge seats while Chuck drove them slowly along the streets, with the windows open, whistling and catcalling to the girls they passed. They tried to persuade some girls that they knew, who were stood at the traffic lights waiting to cross, to get in the car and go for a ride, but they were told to get lost! They drove on, whooping and singing along to the radio. At the Llanerin, Slim said, 'I sure would like to see over your ship, Rick. Is that possible?' 'The Mate is on deck,' Ricky replied. 'I'll go and ask him.' He was back at the car in a couple of minutes. 'The Mate said you're welcome to look her over.' They trooped aboard and shook hands with the Mate. Ricky took them into the accommodation. Doc and Charlie were in the messroom and they were introduced and chatted to the Americans for a while. Ricky showed them around the accommodation and Bridge, but asked Charlie to show them the engine room, which he did with pleasure. They came back into the messroom after their visit to the bowels of the ship, as Doc called it. 'Wow, it's noisy down there,' Slim said waggling a finger in his ear. 'Only the generators running at the moment,' Charlie told him. 'You should hear it when the main engine is running.' 'Awesome !' Chuck replied. ' Thanks for the tour,' Al said. 'Guess we'd better be leaving, now.' 'Sure do thank you.' Slim offered his hand to Charlie and Doc. 'Hope to see you again before you leave Port Arthur.' 'We're sailing early Sunday morning.' Doc said. 'So if you want to have a typical English lunch, come down to the ship around midday on Saturday.' 'Gee, that would be great.' Slim answered. 'I guess we could. We all have our lunch break at twelve. Thanks a lot, Doc.' 'Don't thank him until you've tried his cooking.' Charlie told them, and they all laughed as Doc swiped him with the teatowel. They left the ship laughing and promising to return for the promised meal. Ricky turned in, as it was past midnight and he would be up again at six thirty. He was enjoying his time in Port Arthur, and he wondered what Russia would be like in contrast. He fell asleep wondering if the Russian kids had cars! Doc got him up again in the morning, and he started work as soon as he'd drunk the tea that Doc had made for him. Doc whispered, 'watch Nigel when he comes in. He's in for a surprise!' 'What kind of surprise?' Doc just laughed! Nigel came in to the galley later and said, 'Good Morning.' Ricky answered him, but Doc just grunted. 'What's wrong with him today.' Nigel asked, nodding towards Doc. Ricky shrugged his shoulders! ‘He's very moody, you know,' Nigel complained. 'Sometimes he's like a bear with a sore head! I think it's his age. They get funny when they get to his age!' If Doc heard, he didn't acknowledge it. He had his back to Nigel and was reaching in the drawer for something. Nigel got on with loading his dumb waiter up and when he had finished, turned to Doc again. 'Well, goodbye, misery.' Doc spun around with his arms reaching out as if to grab Nigel! He had a horrific werewolf mask on, and he came forward snarling and slobbering, arms hooking the air in front of him! Nigel looked at him in horror, before screaming and running out of the galley. Doc fell about laughing! He ripped his mask off and the tears were rolling down his face! 'Did you see his face.' he roared. 'He was petrified.' Ricky had been scared too, as he'd never seen one of the realistic looking masks before, but he joined in the laughter, relieved that the scare was over. 'I knew it would get him going,' Doc sniggered. 'As soon as I saw it in the shop last night, I thought, That's It! That's for Nigel. It's a shame really.' he chortled, 'I shouldn't take the mick out of the gullible little twit, but he falls for it every time!' Ricky hauled the dumb waiter up the shaft as Nigel had left in such a panic, he'd forgotten to do it. Doc carried on cooking the breakfast, laughing to himself and occasionally giving a growl or a snarl! After breakfast, Ricky helped the deck crew clearing up the spilled grain. The holds were getting really full now, and Dave estimated that they would be full by midnight on Saturday. Ricky told him about the party at Chuck's, and Dave said that he should be able to go as he wasn't duty that night. 'Did you get your cowboy boots?' Dave asked. 'No, I'm short of a few dollars.' he answered. 'Go and ask the old man for a sub, then. He'll give you one. You've been working overtime so you're entitled to the money.' 'Will he give it to me do you think?' 'Of course, it's your money!' Ricky went up to the Captain's cabin and knocked on the door. The Captain's voice called 'Come in.' 'It's me Sir, 'Ricky said nervously, as he went into the Captain's office which was situated off his dayroom. 'I wondered if you could give me a sub, Sir.' The cabin was beautifully furnished with two leather arm chairs and a settee, on a dark blue carpet. There was a round table in the centre of the room with papers scattered on the top and a mahogany desk and bookcase along one wall. The lower half of the walls were clad in red mahogany, and there were pictures of the other ships that the Captain had been in command of, on the walls. The Captain was sitting at his office desk. 'Want to go ashore on the razzle, do you.' he said sternly. 'No, Sir, I want to get a pair of boots before we leave.' 'I see, and how much are they?' 'Eight dollars, Sir, but I've got five left, so I need three.' The Captain took out his list of advances to the crew, and wrote Ricky's name down with five dollars alongside it. 'Sign here.' he said. Ricky signed his name and the Captain counted out five dollars. 'Thanks, Captain.' he said, and turned to go. 'The Bosun tells me you're coming along quite well, Ricky. Keep it up, we'll make a sailor of you yet.' 'Yes, Sir. I will. Thank you.' And he went back to the deck. At lunch time he asked Doc if he could go up the store to get his boots, but Doc told him that the best thing to do was wait for his American friends tomorrow, and they would probably run him up in their car, as it would take too long to walk both ways today. That made sense, so he went about his work quite happily, and finished the afternoon shift, before getting on with the dinner preparations. At six o'clock he was back out on deck for the evening watch, clearing up spilled grain, and watching the cargo steadily filling up in the holds. At midnight he was relieved by Fred and he went in to the mess room for a cup of tea and a sandwich. The mess room was empty tonight, so after his snack he went down below and showered before turning in. Copyright Deric Barry 2005.

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