Saturday 17 November 2012

Innocent on the run. Part 37.

The brandy had gone to Ricky's head and he felt a sensation of floating about a foot above the ground. He grinned hugely, overjoyed to be walking arm in arm with a beautiful older woman. Her scent was intoxicating and one of her breasts was pressing against his arm. He felt wonderful. Maria led him out onto the main boulevard and they walked through the throng of people happy in the company of each other. Maria was singing a Spanish love song and the young lad glided along as if on the crest of a wave. He loved the world, he loved Maria and he loved every person who passed, grinning at them all as if he’d known them for years. He had no idea where they were going and he didn’t much care! As long as he was with Maria he would go to the ends of the earth and back. She steered him up a side street and through an alleyway to a block of flats. Maria’s flat was on the second floor and she opened the door and led him in. The flat was beautifully clean, the floor polished to a high gloss, the covers on the settee newly washed and ironed. Pictures of Jesus Christ and the Madonna decorated the walls, and ornaments of Jesus bowed down under the weight of the cross as he dragged it through the streets stood on the mantelshelf and sideboard. Maria threw her purse on the table and went through to the kitchen. Ricky heard drinks being poured into glasses and ice being broken from the mould, tinkling into the glasses.  She reappeared carrying two glasses and gave on of them to Ricky. Holding her drink up to him she said, ‘Salud.’ ‘Cheers,’ Ricky answered and took a drink. It was delicious. ‘What is it?’ he asked. ‘Cuba Libre, Rum and coca cola.’ ‘Mmmm, its lovely.'Caribbean Rum Tasting (Google Affiliate Ad) He took another sip. She indicated the settee. ‘Sit, please, Ricardo.’ Ricardo! He swelled with pride. Ricardo! Better than Ricky any day. He sat on the settee and Maria snuggled up to him. She held his hand. Her hair was brushing his face as she had leaned her head on his shoulder. He drank to hide his confusion. He was getting hot, sweat breaking out on his brow and he could feel the hot blood in his face as he looked down and saw the front of her blouse sagging open, almost exposing the perfectly formed and slightly heaving breasts. She sang softly in Spanish. He said, ‘You are beautiful,’ in a slightly drunken slur, and she giggled. She raised his hand and placed it on her naked breast, raised her face to his and kissed him on the lips. ‘Ricardo is beautiful,’ she whispered. Her other hand came across his front and started unbuttoning his shirt. Her fingers played up and down his body, feeling the muscles of his stomach. She felt the money belt. ‘What is?’ she asked. ‘Oh, ah, valuables. Seaman’s book, passport,’ he babbled. She pushed his shirt back and kissed him on the chest. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled as a thrill of ecstasy shivered up his spine. ‘Come,’ she said getting up from the settee and pulling him to his feet. She took him into the bathroom and started the shower running. He watched in amazement as she started taking her clothes off. When she was naked she stood in front of him. Her breasts were beautiful with large brown nipples, her waist narrow and her belly curving downwards to two long, shapely legs. She was gorgeous! ‘You like?’ she asked. ‘I love,’ he answered. She crossed to him and started undressing him, dropping his clothes and money belt on the floor. When he was naked she led him into the shower and started soaping him down with sweet smelling soap. She gave him the soap and he did the same for her, marvelling at the way her beautiful breasts wobbled. They stood under the jet of stinging water, locked together, kissing until they were breathless. Maria turned the water off and reached for some towels. Wrapping one around herself she dried Ricky off and led him to the bedroom. She threw the covers off the double bed and lay down, opening her arms wide to him. ‘Ricardo,’ she whispered. The eager young lad nearly dived into the bed. She slowed him down by whispering soft noises in his ear, cooing to him and gently stroking him. Then, when he thought that he would explode and disgrace himself, she gently guided him into her and gave him his first lesson in lovemaking. Afterwards he collapsed, exhausted on top of her, and she ran her fingers up and down his spine, stroking, tickling, massaging, kissing his face and ears tenderly until he felt himself once again responding. She was magnificent, slowly and gently making love until, with sweat pouring out of the both of them the pace quickened, their breathing became faster and faster until at the crescendo she cried out long and low, her heels drumming on the mattress, her arms wrapped around him, holding him tightly against her. He collapsed exhausted again. Ricky awoke with a start. For a second he panicked, not knowing where he was. Then it all came back to him and he stretched luxuriously and yawned. Maria was at his side sleeping peacefully. The bedside clock told him that the time was 0750 hours and he realised with a sudden shock that he had to get back to the ship in case they found a vessel to take the shipwrecked mariners to Jamaica, and he would be stranded once again in a strange country. He jumped out of bed and raced into the bathroom, found his clothes and hurriedly started dressing. He was putting his boots on when Maria appeared in the doorway rubbing her eyes. ‘What you do?’ she asked sleepily. ‘I have to get back to the ship, Maria. She may sail without me.’ ‘Stay with Maria,’ she pouted. ‘I’d love to, but I must get back.’ He hopped on one foot, pulling his boot on. ‘Why you no love Maria?’ ‘I do love you, Maria. I think you’re wonderful.’ He fished inside his shirt and took out a note. It was a hundred dollar bill. He held it out to her. ‘Look, Maria, buy yourself something.’ She looked at the banknote and flushed scarlet. Her eyes blazed and she knocked his hand away. ‘You think Maria a bad girl? You think you have to pay? She snarled, anger contorting her beautiful face into a mask of hatred. ‘No, Maria, no. But I want you to have a present.’ ‘You think Maria a whore? she screamed. ‘A whore.’ She raised her hand to slap his face. ‘Out ,’ she yelled. ‘Out of my house, bastardo.’ She swung at his head but he ducked and she missed. Her head swung around looking for a weapon. Grabbing her hairbrush she lunged at him and slammed the brush down on his head. ‘Bastardo,’ she screamed. ‘Get out. Get out!’ And she lambasted him as he dashed for the door. ‘Maria, please,’ he shouted, covering his head with one arm, trying to unlock the door with the other. She continued slamming the brush down on his head and arm. ‘Maria not whore,’ she yelled. ‘Maria good girl. Out, out bastardo.’ The door opened at last and Ricky leaped into the passageway. Maria’s foot caught him in the backside and he limped to the stairwell with the furious girl still pursuing him, raining blows on him and screaming hysterically. He leapt down the stairs and ran for his life! In the alleyway he slowed to a walk and found that he was still clutching the hundred dollar bill in his hand. He thrust it back in the belt. Christ, she’d been furious, he thought. What a change in a woman. One minute tender and loving, the next a spitting hell-cat. He shivered. What a temper. He grinned to himself; then laughed out loud! She was magnificent. It had been well worth a few bruises. She had made a man of him. Now he was a real sailor. He turned back to face the block of flats. Maria was nowhere in sight but he waved to her anyway. Copyright Deric Barry 2005.

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