Tuesday 16 October 2012

Innocent on the run Part 6.

Chapter 2. Ricky caught the bus to the Pier head carrying his little bag with his change of clothes in it. He was wearing one of his elder brothers’ trousers and coat. After all, Graham had joined the Royal Navy and wouldn't need his civvies for a while! At least, until he came home on leave! Ricky was the last to leave home, which probably accounted for his Mother being so upset at his leaving. The bus dropped him off near the pierhead, and he walked down the slope to the lock gates. The Motor Vessel Llanerin was just approaching the first lock gate. Ricky watched as she slowly entered the lock and tied up to the bollards. The lock gate closed behind her. Ricky hoped for the hundredth time that they hadn't found a deck boy for the ship. The Captain came out on to the wing of the bridge and looked down at Ricky. 'If you're coming, jump aboard,' he shouted. Ricky ran to the side of the dock, threw his bag on deck and climbed aboard after it. The water in the lock had settled down to its mean level and the forward gate started to open. The lock keepers cast off the ropes and the ship moved out into the channel. Ricky could hardly believe it. He was at sea at last! One of the crew who was coiling rope down on deck, told him to take his bag inside. He walked aft to the accommodation and took his bag inside the passageway. The door on his right had a brass plate above it labelled Recreation Room. Further up the passageway on the right was an open door. It was the mess room and a crewman was laying out salad, cold meats and bread on a table. 'You’re the new boy' he stated. 'Yes sir,' Ricky replied. 'Don't call me sir,' he said. 'I'm the cook. You call me Doc.' Doc was middle aged, with a bald top to his head and just a ring of hair around the back. He was average height, but very overweight with a large belly bursting through his shirt. His cherubic face was mottled red, and veins had broken through on his nose. ‘The Captain told me you were taking a pierhead jump. He wants to see you after we've dropped off the pilot. So for now, I'll show you to your berth.' He led the way along the passageway, past the galley and down a ladder to the next deck. The noise of the engine was very loud on this level. They walked further aft and down another ladder to the next deck. The passageway was narrower here, and Doc filled it with his bulk. The engine noise was deafening. A steel door with a glass porthole in it had a brass nameplate above it. ‘Engine Room.’ Doc went a little way further down the passage and opened a door. He motioned with his head for Ricky to go in. It was a double berth cabin. The bottom bunk was a jumble of blankets and a sheet. Doc pointed a finger upwards. 'Yours,' he bellowed above the racket of the engine. Copyright by Deric Barry 2005.

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